
There once lived a plump Great-Grandfather ... who had a Sultan for a brother ... and a younger sister ... They all lived their own lives until one day, the Three Evil Eskimo Women appeared and disturbed everything ... not to mention the thieving horde of robbers led by the terrible Ropardo!
The Fairy Triptych is a show composed of various tales and fairy tales, amongst them 1001 Nights, The Plump Great-Grandfather by Josef Capek, Kalila and Dimna by Ibn Almukafa, and others.
It's a show with songs, from the cabaret styled thieves to a nietzschean Sultan and rapping eskimos. It was produced by Teater Megaron.

The Fairy Triptych opened at the Institution of St. Stanislav on May 4th, 2006. Photos by Ziga Sojar.

The Fairy Triptych
at the Institution of St. Stanislav
Adapted by Kaja Jamšek and Peter Petkovšek
Directed by Peter Petkovšek
Music by Peter Žargi
Graphic Design by Eva Ferk
Set Design by Eva Ferk and Lena Likar
Lighting and Techincal Design by Rok Robežnik
Drawings by Eva Mlinar
Puppeteering by Jurij Vene and Primož Herga
Gašper Sojar (Plump Great-Grandfather)
Jose Nzobandora (Sultan)
Lea Mencinger (Fairy)
Alenka Može (Reflection)
Anja Marija Arko (Scheherazade)
Matej Rajk (Ropardo)
Ana Marinčič (Trickster / The Prestidigitateur)
Vesna Valenčič (Flirt / The Ballerina)
Primož Herga (Knife / The Turk)
Ožbej Peterle (Naganayasi / The Japanese)
Jurij Vene (Throatcut / The Troubadour)
Metod Čepar (Bastard / The Knight)
Martina Kadunc (1st Evil Eskimo Woman)
Kristina Rihter (2nd Evil Eskimo Woman)
Hana Katarina Smolej (3rd Evil Eskimo Woman)
Peter Petkovšek (the Sultan's Servant)
Petra Janžekovič (Flute)
Katarina Bevc (Flute)
Ambrož Arko (Cello)
Viljem Pregelj (Clarinet, Saxophone)
Gašper Sojar (Accordeon)
Miha Friedrich (Percussion)
Marko Ferenčak (Bass)
Mojca Slana (Piano)
Listen to the song of Ropardo's band!