
The Mystery of Edwin Drood was the title of Charles Dickens' last novel, which he never finished due to his unfortunate and unexpected passing away in 1870. The novel itself is a prime example of Dickensian prose, a broodingly Gothic and mysterious piece of work, in which the title character goes missing after a stormy Christmas dinner. Alas, we will never be entirely sure of what Dickens' plan for the ending was, since all we have to go on are accounts by people close to him, relating theories and ideas supposedly mentioned by the author in conversation.
Rupert Holmes seized upon this mystery and created a dazzling and fun musical, in which a group of Victorian actors in a Music Hall are putting on the story of Drood ... or as much of it as there exists. Once the novel runs out, the real entertainment begins as the audience is asked to vote for a murderer, a detective, and a pair of lovers. The show therefore has a different ending every night based on the audience's preferences, and a total of 756 possible different combinations of endings. After a few performances, however, some favorites for the disputed roles quickly emerge...
The Mystery of Edwin Drood opened at the Atwood Auditorium of Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts, on Apr 11, 2019.

The Mystery of Edwin Drood
at Atwood Auditorium, Clark University
Written and Composed by Rupert Holmes
Directed by Peter Petkovsek
Musically Directed by Michael Lianos
Produced by CMT
Choreographed by Abigail DeRego and Em Bonnici
Lighting Design by Michael Fenn
Set Design by Sammy Santos
Sound Design by Spike Bleyer
Props Design by MK Campbell
Costume Design by Jamie Silverman
Makeup Design by Ari Reyes
Hair Design by Julie Reed
Graphic Design by Milena Germon
Projections Design by Alexander Rakovshik
Staged Managed by Sarah O'Brien
Technical Director Sheila Ford
Luke Pound (The Chairman / Mayor Sapsea)
Ethan Moncur (John Jasper)
Sam Hughson (Edwin Drood)
Emily Vincent (Rosa Bud)
Maura Weil (Helena Landless)
Andrew Vontzalides (Neville Landless)
Ben Tague (Reverend Crisparkle)
Lyndsey Hawkes (Princess Puffer)
Hannah Brier (Durdles)
Matthew Freeman (Deputy)
Emma Pulizzi (Flo)
Annabel Riggio (Wendy)
Shea Kushnir (Beatrice)
Natalie Mitchell (Horace)
Thomas Mueller (Bazzard)
Kenny Liappes (Waiter)
Wyatt Hoover (James Throttle)
Alexander Hewes (Mime)
Em Bonnici (Dancer)
Sirui Yu (Ensemble)
Lital Dotan (Ensemble)
Carly Massino (Ensemble)
William Cushing (Ensemble)
Katie Benson (Percussion)
Chris Aulbuch (Tuba)
Jocelyn Snyder (Trumpet)
Ian Hirons (French Horn)
Joe Burke (Clarinet)
Sarah Gallagher (Clarinet)
Nicole Minghella (Clarinet)
Kathy McKim (Flute)
Jeanmarie Loss (Oboe)
Callie Ostrowski (Violin)
Calista Carns (Cello)
Olivia Knightly (Bass)